This is a Safe Space
With everything going on in the world, it can seem automatic to give an opinion or want to discuss your own thoughts. There is nothing wrong with having your own beliefs and opinions, however, I want to reassure you all that this is a safe space. I have no plans of discussing politics or religion on this site. I feel that it can cause too much animosity and drama. My intention with this site is to make it a place that people can come to for community, understanding and entertainment. If I feel passionate about a subject, I will be sharing it. But, we are all welcome to have our own thoughts and opinions about anything. I can’t promise that it will always be jokes and giggles, but I can promise that it will be enlightening.
With that being said, I do want this to be a space where discussions can be started. We can’t pretend we live under a rock and that there isn’t a lot happening right now. But, we can take all sides into account. There is never just one way of looking at things. We should stop and take a step back to observe from all sides so we can get as much information as possible.
As children, when we went to school, we were taught to do research thoroughly on different subjects. We were told to stay away from certain websites and to always back up our research with proof. So, I challenge everyone to always do their research from many different sources and back it up with proof before deciding on a stance or discussing it with others. As adults, we should be the role models for the young generation. It is our duty to provide a world where they can thrive. We should also give them the platforms and information so they can be successful. We won’t live forever, but what we leave behind when we are gone will and we should be striving to leave the world better than how it was when we were brought into it.
My parting words for this post are to spread kindness and love. It may sound silly, but with all the hate and violence that is out there, let’s be the change. Let’s be the ones who choose acceptance over hate. Let’s accept those who may be different. Let’s spread kindness over anger. It is more important than ever that we choose to change the trajectory of the world.